This post talks about dot program from graphviz suite. If you read my last post you may have noticed the dot graph that I made using the dot program from graphviz suite. It is a very easy to use program whose details can be read here at graphviz official website. I would like to share the code for the graph that I made for the last post:
digraph G { IN -> approved; approved -> emergency[label="No"]; emergency -> loop[label="No"]; loop -> member_moderated[label="No"]; member_moderated -> administrivia["No"]; administrivia -> max_size; max_size -> truth; max_size -> MODERATION[label="exceeds"]; truth -> PIPELINE; approved -> PIPELINE[label="Yes"]; member_moderated -> MODERATION[label="Yes"]; emergency -> HOLD[label="Yes"]; loop -> DISCARD[label="Yes"]; }
The above code produces the graph below: